The AMethyst and the peridot

Written by Dylan Antonio Perez

Directed by Sofia Ubilla

Premiered at Fordham University in Fall 2024.

The Amethyst and the Peridot explores two siblings as they undergo the transition between high school and college, and then attempt to hold onto the connection they have with one another.


Nicholas Victor Matos as Amethyst

Amanda Sofia Rodriguez as Peridot

Production and Creative:

Dylan Perez - Writer, Sound Designer, and Producer

Sofia Ubilla, Director

Elias Bernstein, Assistant Director

Maddie McAuliffe, Production Stage Manager

Sam Mund, Stage Manager

Ian Rios, Production Manager and Co-Set Designer

Milagros Luis, Choreographer

Gabriella Perez, Choreography Consultant

Pradanya Subramanyan, Intimacy/Fight Choreographer

Kal Larsen, Lighting Designer

Boone Sommers, Co-Set Designer

Maia Kraskouskas, Co-Set Designer

Teri Salmon, Costume Designer

Nicole Yagar, Properties Designer

Cason Doyle, Photos

Elian Rivera, Sound Associate

John Perla, Various Recorded Voices

Special Note:

I want to thank everyone that helped me bring this play to life. It holds a special place in my heart, as it is so personal to my life and my relationship with my sister. More to come with this play soon!